Apr 06 2011

sand dune dream’n

Published by at 6:24 am under Break Up Poems

Tomorrow I will remember you,
The taste of our memories
Will rest apon my lips.
Visions of your sunkissed body
will dance before my eyes
As the sun heaves
Its bloated figure over the horizon.
I count on my eyelids to sheild,
My fragile state of mind.
Damaged with the thought of losing you.
Countless days we had endured
Apart but somehow together.
Now I tremble with the thought of your touch.
From a land beyond this sand dune in which I lay,
Is a place where we belong,
But for now
I gather all my strength
And stuff it deep within my pockets,
Hoping someday we will pull through,
Because Im affraid
To face a life without you.

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