Feb 20 2013
Scars Always Bleed
Let the building burn to ash and let my love expire
See the world in black and red; just set it all on fire
Turn the ash to molten pain and pour it all on me
Burn my skin and burn my heart; burnt eyes no longer see
Be patient as you contemplate the pain you’ll soon inflict
I’m nothing but your dealer, you’re one more drug addict
Your drug of choice would be my hurt. You’re always wanting more
I’m helpless, worthless, weak and small. You’d always win the war
I’m sorry for what I have done, it must be bad indeed
for all these scars you’ve made on me, are scars that always bleed.
I’m sorry I don’t fight these days… Why fight to always lose?
You’ve weakened me, you’ve broken me. I simply now refuse.
It seems I have no worth to you; not when I do not fight.
You wanted someone strong of will. You wanted one more night.
But more is what I do not have; all strength has gone and died.
And empty shells where life once was are born of suicide.