Sep 27 2023

She Guides Us

Published by at 8:00 am under Uncategorized

She is but a whisper in the winds of solitude.
A ray of light in the darkness turned to grey.
Her hands they grasp the darkness.
And she pushes it away.
With her heart she paints the love in us,
and with her soul she sets the sails,
We stand with eternal wind at our backs,
As she guides us through the trails.

-Dennis Mayer

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One Response to “She Guides Us”

  1. Dennison 19 Feb 2024 at 7:51 am

    She is the wind at our backs,
    is the sea to our sail,
    but there’s no turning back,
    a reason we do not fail.
    whispering her magic,
    in a fairytale of lore,
    the very words that she mutters,
    winds they bring of evermore—
    of ever lasting love and peace,
    solitude ensured.

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