Jul 07 2011


Published by at 2:17 pm under emo Poems

How I loved you and all you did,
But yet you lied and secrets hid.
How you led me on my love,
But now you curse me from above.

I gave you my life and even my skin,
To be the canvas for your artful sin.
I wanted and needed all you said,
But now I wish you had left me dead.

When you were done you vanished, gone.
And here I had thought you must be the one.
But now it’s over and what pain a feel,
As my stomach churns & my head reels.

I gave myself to your blessed sin,
Because I thought there was love within.
But I am not blind and now I see,
That I am damned eternally,
For still loving one who does not love me.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Sin”

  1. pixieon 11 Jul 2011 at 7:28 pm

    “To be the canvas for your artful sin.” – My favorite line because it really seems to say a lot.
    Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

  2. Justaboyon 11 Jul 2011 at 10:01 pm

    Actually, “I gave you my life and even my skin, to be the canvas for your artful sin” was all I had swirling through my mind when I wrote this and everything else kinda materialized around it. And thank you. 😉

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