Jan 03 2013

Small Glimmer

Published by at 4:51 am under emo Poems

These things will take a violent turn
and end up breaking me
With one small glimmer in my hands,
and love that longs to be.

With faith and trust and tears and grace
One empty heart can’t heal
Since pain was once a throbbing ache,
Why trust that joy is real?

I’m scared that I will end up hurt
by all those things you’ve said
A sworn oath from the brave of heart,
My Knight might end up dead.

I cried myself to sleep last night,
with thoughts of death and pain.
The thunder and the stormy night,
my tears lost in the rain.

These things might take a violent turn,
I guess I’ll stay and see
This small glimmer clutched in my hands
is worth so much to me.

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