Oct 03 2010

Smile Baby

Published by at 5:27 pm under Love Poems for Your Girlfriend

Being here with you
is a dream come true
Being by your side
my feelings in my Heart just glide
Having you in my arms so tight
we walk along the beach tonight
We start talking and laughing
as the waves are crashing
Along the shore
you walk me to your front door
And squeezed my hand so nice and tight
as you smiled and kissed me goodnight
Tonight my love for you grew
as I had my dream come true
I can only hope you feel the same
And know that love is not a game
My feelings for you seem to grow and grow
You make my Heart just Go Go Go
My heart is yours so take it with care
And know My Love will always be there
Drew Simmons 2010

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Smile Baby”

  1. [email protected]on 23 Nov 2010 at 9:06 am

    Being here with you
    is a dream come true
    Being by your side
    my feelings in my Heart just glide
    Having you in my arms so tight
    we walk along the beach tonight
    We start talking and laughing
    as the waves are crashing
    Along the shore
    you walk me to your front door
    And squeezed my hand so nice and tight
    as you smiled and kissed me goodnight
    Tonight my love for you grew
    as I had my dream come true
    I can only hope you feel the same
    And know that love is not a game
    My feelings for you seem to grow and grow
    You make my Heart just Go Go Go
    My heart is yours so take it with care
    And know My Love will always be there
    Drew Simmons 2010

  2. JSDJDKon 26 Dec 2010 at 5:26 am


  3. JSDJDKon 26 Dec 2010 at 5:27 am

    :sleep: :sick: :whistle:

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