Oct 31 2011


Published by at 10:30 am under emo Poems

i never meant for this
this situation we’re in now
but life was always suckish
my friend’s a fugly cow

im living in a world
a world full of fakes
twirled, unfurled
i have not what it takes

im not strong enough
strong enough to make it through
everything is sad, even love
and that ive learned is true

this world is so sick
so sick it makes me hurt
my boyfriend is a d ck
my sister’s a f ck ing flirt

but then who am i?
am i just as bad?
its fine, soon ill die
ive nothing more to add

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Soon”

  1. xxPlagueRatxxon 10 Nov 2011 at 12:03 am

    true,this is really good,gives a clear insight 🙂

  2. pixieon 10 Nov 2011 at 1:19 pm

    I laughed at that.
    Thank you for reading, though.

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