Jul 22 2011
Sorry for being me.
I’m sorry for not being good as you
I’m sorry for only being me
I’m sorry for not being good enough, its true
I’m sorry for letting you see
I’m sorry for letting you down
I’m sorry for not making you smile
I’m sorry for every reason to smile, I give three to frown
I’m sorry for not making it worthwhile
I’m sorry for not making this work out
I’m sorry for having this end
I’m sorry for filling you with doubt
I’m sorry you had to pretend
I’m sorry not being better than I possibly can
I’m sorry for not taking you off of my shelf
I’m sorry for not being a good enough man
I’m sorry for being myself
I know what you mean… ;-(
If she loves you she will love you for yourself the good and the bad.. some things just take time… love will always be worth it.. and i dont know you but trust me just seeing how earnest you are in this poem… i am sure you ae worth it ;0) the best advice i can give any man from what lil experience i have truly had of them.. lol is tell her how you really feel dont keep it to yourself because you are scared… in my opinion… that is where most guys i have known usually mess up… they usually say the opposite of how they feel and end up confusing the one they care about… or run away when things start to get close to a commitment… especially the ones who have suffered heartbreak before.. they push away people that truly do love and care about them for the fear of loving someone again only to lose them… not realizing… that when its real.. you cant lose it.. unless you run away from it… life is crazy complicated.. and emotions are a big reason why… i love my guy whether he realizes it or not after all we have been through and always will… if he ever wanted the chance again he only has to ask… even if he never does i still love him and will always be in his life even if it is only as a friend.. from your poetry i feel like i am on the opposite end.. so i am replying in that perspective of it and to give you hope… life can be really really crappy.. but sometimes sometimes.. things work out even if they are not when you want them to
i feel this way all the time…. like im never good enough or worth it……
🙁 ialways use to fell like taht….. ieht was sooo depressinq