Jul 16 2011

Soul Words

Published by at 9:15 pm under emo Poems

His fingers trace the scars I made
The scars I could never regret
I know the scars won’t ever fade
I’ve not wished they would, not yet

His hands slowly move to cup my face
wiping away the tears I’ve shed
I’m scared he’ll wish he could erase
what I’ve carved and what has bled

His eyes capture mine, he speaks.
Not with words, but with a look
Not really sure, but he seems to seek
the answers to understand my outlook

His lips form the words, he slowly talks
I’m captivated by the way he speaks
So entranced, in fact, I’m stunned when he walks
left sitting on the bed, staring at antiques

My mind wanders back, trying to recall
what it was, what did he say?
As i fail to remember, i start to crawl
ending up on my knees, trying to pray

I pray not to God, but to my soul
Oh, why did he not love me?
But I know what he stole
and know I’m as wrong as he

As i lay on the ground, cold, shivering and crying
I know what he said, so very righteous of self
And I think about the one fact I’ve been denying;
He and I both know – he can’t help me save myself

-Siffer & Pixie

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Soul Words”

  1. Justaboyon 17 Jul 2011 at 12:46 pm

    It’s beautiful.

  2. pixieon 17 Jul 2011 at 2:38 pm

    Thank you ever so much. The title seems strange to me, though.

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