Apr 19 2011


Published by at 8:56 am under Heartbreak Poems

You said you would stay,
While I glance,
Into your eyes,
To see a perfect me,
Holding your hands,
Forgetting my loneliness,
A Warmth never felt before

You said you would stay,
While you lean on me,
As I hold on to you,
Feeling your heart beat,
To hear our names,
A Melody never heard before

You said, you would stay,
While i whispered,
into your ears,
the very same words,
hugging you from behind,
as you held my arms,
A promise never broken before

You said, you would stay,
While you waved,
me goodbyes from afar,
as you kept your words,
that you would stay,
but just,
never with me

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One response so far

One Response to “Stayed”

  1. Leilaon 17 May 2011 at 12:19 am

    wow. Right on the dot about how i feel.
    ….left with only myself to blame….:/

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