Aug 19 2010

Such a sweet love gone wrong

Published by at 8:37 pm under emo Poems

We had such a sweet love.
everything was oh so perfect, nothing could ruin it.
everyone knew how deaply inlove we were.
until the day came that you broke my heart with the words you spoke.
you told me that “we should just be friends.” how am i supposed to
be friends with the person i gave my heart to, the person i told everything,
the person that would hold me at night and tell me how beautiful i was.
when you would kiss me the entire world would freeze, your arms were my castle.
how could i live knowing that you are no longer mine, that some other girl had your love? its a simple answer, i cant and i wont. i cut my wrist just to feel something again. mabey this will make you realize how much i truely do love you.
well its to late now, im gone and your gone..its over. i said goodbye for the final time. the lights go dim and my eyes close, the last thing i slowly whispered was
“i will love you until the day i die.”

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Such a sweet love gone wrong”

  1. KaTiEon 20 Sep 2010 at 10:44 pm

    tells me storie again ;-(

  2. tiffany @nd richy 4eva @nd alwayson 08 Feb 2011 at 7:08 pm

    you spell maybe wrong. you spelled it madey

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