Feb 10 2011

Suicidal Tendencies

Published by at 6:46 am under Goodbye Poems

(I wrote this poem years ago, I don’t now, nor did I ever actually intend to commit suicide.)

I hate this school, I hate this life
I hate myself, I hate this knife
This knife that soon will be my end, because these wounds I could not mend.
I slowly drag it across my wrist, knowing by none will I be missed.
I now begin my own demise, because noone heard my silent cries.
Too bad that there was noone who could hold my hand and walk me through
To show me that there was a better way, and that I had a reason to stay.
Now it’s too late, I’m slipping quick. Faster than a candles burning wick.
I’ll soon go out,
Just like the flame.
I know I’ve only myself to blame.
My body is numb, I cannot see. I hear the dripping of blood only distantly.
I’m sorry I wasn’t strong enough to withstand all the pain
but now I can be at peace in the bed which I have made

::Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray my soul is mine to keep.
I’ll never step outside this bed, for I shall never wake again.::

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Suicidal Tendencies”

  1. CoOlStUfF125on 18 Mar 2011 at 6:19 pm

    (Glad you didn’t intend to commit suicide)

  2. Kat95on 18 Mar 2011 at 6:21 pm

    Oce, i felt exactly how you felt – but sometimes you have to let your sadness out and move on

    it’s an amazing poem, it’s deep with loads of feeling x Well done 🙂

  3. Charlotte.xxon 28 Mar 2011 at 8:39 pm

    n’aw i love your poem its soo touching xxxx :love:

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