Feb 15 2011

Sweet Angel

Published by at 1:27 pm under Betrayal Poems

A pretty face,
With intelligent eyes of amber,
Frivilous locks of gold,
And a smiling mouth,
Yet crossed with shadows and betraying distrust,
Sadly injured beyond repair
Underneath all the laughing,
Hides around the corner.
Someone left her there, long ago;
His presence remains as strong as hers,
And she waits for him to come back
And take her home with him again.
No one is coming, Sweet Angel.
You’re trusting an empty promise.
Forget him;
He’s worth nothing.
Come with me.
Let me take you gently
To a better place
Where you can learn to love again.

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One Response to “Sweet Angel”

  1. BeautifulDisasteron 16 Feb 2011 at 7:35 am


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