Apr 17 2013

Sweetened Lovers’ Curse

Published by at 5:13 am under Forever Love Poems

At long last, dear, I’ve felt your kiss
beneath the tree that weeps
For it has seen much beauty here
and that sweet thought it keeps

My hand would tremble, clutched in yours
for I’ve yet to defeat
all passionate remembrance
of your heart, dear, my sweet

Unheard of was your precious voice
a sound so clear to me
It calls within a troubled heart
and calms this raging sea

Your arms would be a cage for me
but one I’d not escape
it’s one I’d live in happily
one forged with loving gate

You built within my empty heart
and filled it till it burst
with love, and hope, and empathy
and sweetened lovers’ curse

You told me what I meant to you
I didn’t understand
how you could be so strong, so good
and still clutch at my hand

I swore my love was yours at last –
swore this to you and I.
And now, at last, I’ve felt your kiss
beneath the shadowed sky.

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