Mar 30 2011

The girl…

Published by at 12:45 am under emo Poems

everyone wonders who’s…
the girl that hides behind all the broken smiles
the girl who only see’s tears
the girl who lies to avoid hurting the people she loves
the girl with the sad face all the time
the girl who wonders why he choose her for this life
the girl who’s used to suffering
the girl that’s tired of crying
the girl that’s dying on the inside
the girl who believes the broken promises over and over
the girl that never shows her wrist cause she can’t
the girl that’s ashamed of how her life turned out
the girl with the broken heart
the girl that’s afraid to be loved
the girl that feels so alone
the girl who smiles even when it hurts
the girl who believes she lives in hell
the girl that thinks she’s ugly
the girl who’s tired of being teased
the girl that no boys will date
the girl that gets used
the girl no one cares about
the girl her friends hate
the girl that is misunderstood
the girl who hates life
the girl that wants to die
the girl who’s giving up….
the girl is me..

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “The girl…”

  1. someoneout thereon 15 Apr 2011 at 5:36 pm

    this is exactly mee</3 :straight:

  2. johanaon 15 Apr 2011 at 8:58 pm

    i love this poem cause its so true to some people these days like me :love:

  3. jinx baibeon 16 Apr 2011 at 9:49 am

    so…emotional ;-( ,if i kan help jus holla..koz u bn in dis world haz a reason n i bet it aint pain hate or hurt…trust me… :straight:

  4. Ashon 12 May 2011 at 9:37 pm

    this is so me :/

  5. Shoobayeon 16 May 2012 at 8:22 am

    Monica – That last picture is so amzaing. A little boy by the tracks, hands in his pocket looking for the train. I’m sure there was no train coming but that’s where the picture takes me.

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