May 26 2011

The love i felt

Published by at 1:19 am under Betrayal Poems

To me you were the best
You were my all
I would’ve never let you fall
But all that changed
When you went with her

I guess it was fate
Or just a mistake
But all I know is you lied
And I cant forgive and forget

You made me cry
You made me bleed
I was so shy but now im not
I’ll say what I think
And your gonna listen

I want you to know
The love I felt was true
And the tears I cried are gone
But memories cant be forgotten
Cuz ours were the best.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “The love i felt”

  1. MissDemonXon 27 May 2011 at 11:12 am

    Courtney and shanes poem … for courtney xxx

  2. Kateon 18 May 2012 at 9:30 am

    (Paperback) Poetry is an especially dffiicult field in which to be published. An ideal instruction manual for aspiring poets seeking to have their poetry published, How To Publish Your Poetry: A Complete Guide To Finding The Right Publishers For Your Work by book editor, freelance writer, and published poet Helene Ciaravino has compiled a step-by-step how to’ instruction manual that will materially assist the complete novice to publishing to have their poetry put into print and made available to as large a readership as possible. Writers of poetry seeking publication will be able to maximize their chances for becoming published; will learn how to create an effective submission package; avoid common mistakes in their attempt to become published; learn how to craft a cover letter for their manuscript that will attract the attention of acquisition editors; utilize a simple but practical seven-step system for becoming published; minimize the time, effort, and financial costs of becoming published; take advantage of available resources for the aspiring poet; learn about a diversity of outlets for poetry; and benefit from honing their skills at the craft of writing poetry. Of special note is what Helene Ciarvaino has to say about self-publishing with respect to poetry. Especially recommended for academic and community library Writing & Publishing reference collections, anyone contemplating becoming a published poet should give How To Publish Your Poetry a very careful reading. It is a veritable gold mine of practical, useful, time-tested information, ideas, and instructions.

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