Sep 25 2010

You make my heart smile

Published by at 3:15 pm under Love and Friendship Poems

You make my heart smile when I’m in pain.
You turn the skys sunny when it rains.
You showed me the goodness in man kind
I just long to find…

The one who I will hold near
The one that I will call dear
The one to bring me hope
And cut me loose of these ropes
That bind and pull me to the ground
The ropes pulling me down.

Someone to say you’re all that I will ever need
The one I want to give you my creed
Of love everlasting–
Never do I part
Love’s eternal flame–
Burning in my heart

The one to never hold me back
The one to never lack
The danger and adventure that I desire
The one to light the fire

All this is a fantasy
You love someone else rather than me
You’ve been the one to show me everything true
That there are only a few
Who have the qualities that you own
That you can never loan
To another boy to make up for my loss
Another thing in life
With a cost
Of heart ache burning a scar in my heart

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One response so far

One Response to “You make my heart smile”

  1. angel709on 27 Sep 2010 at 5:01 pm

    very good!

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