Nov 05 2011

The Power of Love

Published by at 2:02 pm under Forever Love Poems

I pull up the drive in my beat up old truck
Open the door hoping for good luck
One look at your face tells me it’s gonna be bad
What have I done now that’s made you so mad?
You run to our room, slam that oak door.
Sometimes I feel I just can’t take this anymore.

So I go for a walk,
I sit by the lake.
Rewind and replay every mistake.
Try to place blame,
But it’s nobody’s fault
Love is just harder than either of us thought.

Tracing my steps back to our tiny home
Find you crying to your momma on the phone
I’ve tried my best, to be good for you
But there are things I need from you too
You hang up the phone, tears in your eyes
When I see you upset part of me dies.

So I go for a walk,
I sit by the lake.
Rewind and replay every mistake.
Try to place blame,
But it’s nobody’s fault
Love is just harder than either of us thought.

Moon high in the sky, I walk through the front door.
Wondering how I can take anymore.
You’re there on the couch, you’re half asleep.
You tell me you’ve been waiting for me.
We both start to speak, to apologize.
Looking deep in to each others eyes.

So we go for a walk,
We sit by the lake,
We have forgiven every mistake.
There is no one to blame,
Because it’s nobody’s fault
Loves is just harder than either of us thought.

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8 responses so far

8 Responses to “The Power of Love”

  1. Maxon 13 Nov 2011 at 6:48 pm

    This sounds like a country song… I hate country.

  2. Karenon 13 Nov 2011 at 7:37 pm

    I am sorry for your narrow mindedness. However I believe that the idea behind the words is more important than a dislike of a genre of music.

  3. Maxon 13 Nov 2011 at 8:19 pm

    I would reply to that comment, but I don’t want to spam this poem. It’s already dull enough.

  4. SWeet.Candyies**on 13 Nov 2011 at 10:51 pm

    whats your problem, if you dpn’t like a poem dont freakin comment. Just vote for it an leave. this is a FRIENDLY site. NO ONE wants to hear about your rude persona opinon. There are plenty of other sites you can go to..
    ** Thank you very much ** ^_^

  5. Petty_Gurl_Swagon 13 Nov 2011 at 10:58 pm

    HAHA dang SWeet.Candyies**
    lol haha tell em haha
    But rt i agree… no one wants you on this site if yur gunna be an ass. Like foreal. These people work hard to put their emotions here on the net, and if you are really that inconsiderate then DUECEZ la’bugg you don’t need to be here!! espeically if thats what your gunna do cos like she said, there are plenty of other sites you can go to. Its called GOOGLE hun, and i suggest you use it
    <3 Huggs and Kisses <3

  6. Maxon 14 Nov 2011 at 12:36 am

    Wow… Yeah I feel the pain I guess…

    But I will tell you one thing, that “girl swag” wannabe, gets the prize for the lamest comment in this website. And that speaks for itself.

    “Like foreal”, “lol haha tell em haha”…. don’t you think before you write?

  7. meghan222on 16 Nov 2011 at 1:53 am

    Shut the hell up already max

  8. Petty_Gurl_Swagon 18 Nov 2011 at 1:49 am

    Yu kno what you can suckk right now hunn.
    Because like I said before, yu can find PLENTY of other sites.
    No body wants your ratchet a** on this site if your gunna act like that.
    Nd OHKAY you can TRY to dis people on this site but yur only wastin your time
    Why don’t you right a kick ass poem coz thats what this is right here and if you dont like it
    oh and if you were wondering what it was that you can suck was my dick,
    :kiss: <3 Huggs**nd**Kisses<3 :kiss:

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