May 04 2011

The River

Published by at 7:43 am under Thinking of You Poems

As i sit here wonderin why this river flows. . I wonder where does it stop and where does it goes. . Oh how you inspired me to do so much. . . . As i rememba of those days where we would follow the bike trail as a journey just to write poetry and see your marvelous glow. . As the beavers or otters try 2build dar habit to try to stop your wonderful flow. . As boatz make waves that causes me to drown in a daze. . We picnic on top of a huge round stone that goes deep beneath thee. . Im just stuck in shock of how beautiful you sound as the bridge blocks all winds frm blowing us around. . Sometimes i just want to drown or swim deep below to see all creatures that flows and glows. . My love for you still remain the same. . As i sit here wonderin why this river still flows.

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One response so far

One Response to “The River”

  1. Ardhanon 16 May 2012 at 8:16 am

    What a lovely laenmt. I especially like the comparison of prayer wheels to thoughts; they move the same but their purposes contrast so dramatically. Lovely word choice and composition.

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