Sep 02 2011

The Suicide Scythe of the Serpent’s Soldier Swaying it’s Seven Heads

Published by at 12:36 pm under emo Poems

As you climb down the stairs that lead to the underworld
As you walk into the trail of the dead,
You find yourself surrounded by the ghosts of yesterday
And enveloped by thoughts of bitterness,
The suicide scythe of the serpent’s soldier swaying it’s seven heads
Follows your footprints
They all await your fall
They satisfy their appetite with your air
And yet, you still wonder what you have done mistakably wrong?
You should know,
You let them out
You have done this.

The suicide scythe of the serpent’s soldier swaying it’s seven heads
Follows your footprints
And grants you a wish

Take what has been bestowed upon you,
Two options: to drown or to burn?
Impotence or pain?
Suffocation or ashes?
One thing is for sure,
You will pay back what you owe,
The use of the body,
The cleansing of the sins deeply attached within your soul,
And all beacause you’re stained with mortality.

Look at your feet,
What is it that your human eyes see?
Is it the shoes of the messenger?
Or maybe the toes of the poor?

If what you desire is an end,
As long as you pay the price of the undead,
You shall get what you’re after.

If what you seek is to bleed
Let the blood crawl from inside of you
Into the thirsty ground,
If that is what you so drastically plead,

If you are desperate to be heard
The serpent will provide you with lungs of steel,
The great ones stolen from Olympic,
But let’s be honest,
They are too stuborn to learn what, or who, you are.

The suicide scythe of the serpent’s soldier swaying it’s seven heads
Follows your footprints.
Now frail,
The suicide scythe of the serpent’s soldier swaying it’s seven heads
Forces you down.

Jump, hang, drown, burn, bleed, fly!
There’s nothing to be afraid of
After all,
You won’t be missed!
You are one of the many!
What is it that you are so reluctant to leave behind?
Friends, family?
Let them not matter
They have gone astray,
Just like how summer leaves, start to fade…

Where are they to rescue you?
Where have they left to?
Did they forget about you?
Oh, kid, let them not matter
(Don’t pity yourself
It’s not worth the aches)
Decide what is best for you!
Let yourself, for once, be selfish
Do it for your own sake.

The suicide scythe of the serpent’s soldier swaying it’s seven heads
You are pathethic!

Were you born from the bastards?
And are you dying in sin?
Did you commit the prohibited?
Taboo, edgy, rough!
That’s what this is
You shall never be forgiven
You don’t deserve such a right
Because remember when you came home,
And decided to end it all,
So reckless and without thinking it twice?
Well, what is there to do in the world of the living?
Sleep, awaken, sleep, and awaken
Again and again
That is the pattern of life,
Mighty predictable and utterly simple

Let us learn from your past, present, and future mistakes
Let us feed on your remains
Let us talk and rumor on such an abominable sight
And all because you decided to end it all,
All on that gloomy weekend night…

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “The Suicide Scythe of the Serpent’s Soldier Swaying it’s Seven Heads”

  1. adminon 04 Sep 2011 at 9:39 am

    too complicated for me 🙁

  2. anonymousson 04 Sep 2011 at 2:08 pm

    I guess that just shows the strange things that happen in my head. And its funny, because i cant understand some parts myself. XD

  3. adminon 15 Sep 2011 at 4:07 am

    Nice emo poem =]

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