Apr 28 2011
The Summation
Once she turned to the paltry boy
estranged from herself
but anything that is, in essence, a compromise – you cannot love anyway
When today she told me
I am not like the rest
since I refrain
refrain from offering myself to her
– – well, it all made sense
for I must be the only one
as good as her, as full as her,
as vital
and, even to a beauty such as she,
I believe it best to not give oneself – see that means giving away dignity, spontaneity, strength
the very things I need to love her
Therefore, let me swear only to add to her life, as she adds to mine
flames feeding into flames, that’s what I say
“you, and me
yielding nothing
shimmering and separate”
So she shuns those paltry boys and their selfish affections,
they who would give themselves to her forever
they, betrayers of their own little lives,
investing in her their cowardice, their baseness, their convoluted, hidden pride
their need to justify their very breathing
Until above it all
we step swifter
bodies and voices, speeding
with terrible perfection
toward insensible delight
so naked
fused by hot trust on our natal bed!