Sep 30 2010

The Sun, Moon, and Rain

Published by at 4:16 pm under Teenage Love Poems

“Describe to me the one you love, the one you hold dear.”
People say and I reply as I draw near
To my heart’s desire, my heart’s love…

The sun you see in the morning rises when he does.
The sun you see, when it shines so brightly, is because he’s smiling
The sun you see shines when he and he alone is happy.

The moon you see rise at night, rises because his dreams come to life
Moonless nights, ever so dark and lacking the bright,
Is because dreams do not fill his head.

But instead, when the stars shine ever so brightly
He’s thinking of someone so knightly
A manner know to mankind that even the coldest of hearts will find
A place to love, and a place to care for that blessed dove.

The brightest star known to mankind shines because he is alive.
Once he dies, so does the star.
Something I wish for that is so far
Away from this time and age
Away from this madness and rage.

The sky cries the tears that he cannot.
It cries for the sadness and pain,
He sends the rains
For us to know he’s in turmoil
For us to know his sadness and depression,
So we know to be with him forever.

The sky releases it’s realms, the great terrors of the earth
When he’s angry and mad
At whatever earthly lad
Who doesn’t know the sorrow he has caused
To not only him but to the world that has evolved.

Yet when that blessed man comes to think of the one he loves,
When he comes to think of her in ways only he knows,
Does the world become harmonious.
Heaven and earth are one.
No one bickers, and there is peace in the world of men and women alike
For the time he thinks of her…

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “The Sun, Moon, and Rain”

  1. kanikaon 13 Dec 2010 at 6:52 am

    one word “superb” …..”swanky”

  2. patchmyhearton 08 Feb 2011 at 8:19 pm

    Love it <3

  3. AUBREYon 02 Jan 2013 at 4:33 pm



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