Oct 21 2010

The Whitest Place on Earth

Published by at 6:08 am under Love and Friendship Poems

The Whitest Place on Earth / R. Mooers 2010

Keeping it on the down low
Even when it’s all above board
Can’t help the way I’m wired
My emotions in a hoard
They’re all that I’ve held on to
Through days too full of loss
When you’re forced to be a follower
And bred to be the boss

In the whitest place on earth
It’s so black without you here
I’m groping in the dark
And it’s getting hard to steer
In the whitest place on earth
I’m just along for the ride
Because honestly – I don’t know
Who we’ll be on the other side

Sometimes I’m so wide awake
And everything seems clear
But only for a matter of seconds
Surrender to denial and fear
Put on a different coat of paint
And tweak the details once more
Pathetic to think anyone’s watching
Still I play like they’re keeping score

In the whitest place on earth
It’s so black without you here
I’m groping in the dark
And it’s getting hard to steer
In the whitest place on earth
I’m just along for the ride
Because honestly – I don’t know
Who we’ll be on the other side

In the whitest place on earth
Sometimes I see red
And I get to feeling low enough
To believe I can raise the dead
In the whitest place on earth
The sky can get so blue
You forget that it could ever storm
I want to reign on you…

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