Apr 17 2014

Time To Be Bold

Published by at 12:17 pm under Dark Love Poems

I feel it take over,
It knocks out my wind,
The feeling then lowers,
And it hits me again,

I feel like I’m falling,
This time it’s for real?
Or am I logically stalling?
Afraid to feel.

And what is this nonsense?
Is it self preservation?
Or am I simply running,
From my own revelations?

It fully takes over,
As it moves on the roll,
It’s the man from within,
Who is now in control,

It’s the one they call him,
With the black in his eyes,
He’s tainted with sin,
He’s my own demise.

He steers me away,
Locks me far from a love,
He believes that there’s nothing,
Up above,

And I know that he’s there,
I know he’s taken over,
He has no fear.
He is no self loather.

He is the darkness,
You can see in the night,
He calls to your name,
With all his might,

Yet he makes you smile,
By the things he can do,
He’s the newer, better,
Version of you.

The feeling moves forward,
There’s no past in today,
If it doesn’t work out,
Then it’s all ok,

Cause life is too precious,
And I’m growing old,
You only live once,
It’s time to be bold.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Time To Be Bold”

  1. pixieon 18 Apr 2014 at 5:01 pm

    I feel the need to highlight several lines that had me riveted, and made me re-read the poem many many times.
    “It fully takes over,
    As it moves on the roll,
    It’s the man from within,
    Who is now in control,”
    Amazing use of the word “it” to convey that this man is something /other/, somebody not quite you.
    “Yet he makes you smile,
    By the things he can do,
    He’s the newer, better,
    Version of you.”
    Again, emphasis on the fact that this is something almost completely foreign. Something wonderfully strange.
    Amazing stanza. Placing the last phrase on its own made it seem quite powerful, which I loved. (I’m quite sure I fell in love with that stanza particularly.)
    I’d also like to point out, again, how much I like the use of bold you’ve started using, even if only to make the title phrase stand out.

  2. Dennison 20 Apr 2014 at 10:54 am

    I guess it’s time to be bold. Lmao.

  3. nobodyon 19 Jan 2022 at 8:34 pm

    this was really well composed and beautiful

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