May 30 2013

To Someone Special

Published by at 7:29 am under Uncategorized

Allow me to share with you some thoughts
About someone who has inspired me and captured my quotes
The best instructor I’ve ever seen, and that’s by all votes
A leader by nature, a trainer by choice
Scattering all the positive energy with a perfect poise
Through her lovely smile and encouraging voice
A blend of characteristics so unique and bright
A source of inspiration and a spring of delight
A blast of energy where gravity is merely slight
Someone so dedicated, someone so keen
Enjoying every step, every jump, and every lean
Cheering everyone and perfectly coaching by all mean
“Thank you” would definitely have no weight
To convey my deep gratitude for you and for fate
For changing my life entirely, convincing me that it’s never too late
You might not recognize what impact you’ve made
On every single one you’ve trained
And all the love and admiration you’ve gained
So be proud of yourself for
The difference you’ve made is highly appreciated and more
May God bless you and your beautiful Soul

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One Response to “To Someone Special”

  1. nzabanehon 30 May 2013 at 10:56 am

    This poem is dedicated to my favorite instructor ever… “Hala” to me you are just perfect!! God bless

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