Aug 13 2011


Published by at 3:06 am under Heartbreak Poems

In my dreams, I soar on wings of fire
Toward the land of ever love
And my heart sings like a growing tide
Reaching heights so high above
The empty life I’ve come to know
The quiet nights and days,
The endless hours of discontent
Meaningless forays
Into a seas of thoughts and dreams
Never near to coming true
Horizons ever farther still
Until my heart found you.
In misty nights so full of bliss you brought
Heaven to my door
I felt sublime, so lost in time
And dreamed it evermore
With little thought for what I’d done
Or how this tale would go
Defying fate, making it wait
Ignoring, even though
A small voice called from in my head
That voice we know as reason
It claimed I was a reckless fool
Then committed treason
Against this heart

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