May 20 2016

Until The End Of Time

Published by at 7:36 am under Forever Love Poems

There can many storms in love.
There’ll be lots of thunder and tears but no matter what happens, no matter what tomorrow has for us I hope you’ll hold on to our love.
I hope you’ll cherish the love we have between our hearts, between the joy and the pain that our love will bring.
I’ll wash away the tears of desperation when the day you say goodbye to me.
I’ll wash away the pain of losing you when you say goodbye and I stand alone on the corner of the road watching you go.
There’ll be sorrows and tears but hold on to our love, even if the storm is strong and it washes away our hearts.
Don’t let go of my hands when you close your eyes, don’t let go of my heart when you fall deep into your sleep and dream the night away.
Until the end of time I’ll never forget you, I’ll listen to the sounds and the voices that’ll pass by me.
But no matter how many or how much time I’ll lose, I’ll never lose you.

I’ll never let you go, because I’ll love and cherish you even if tomorrow you’ll forget me.

By Nghi Nguyen

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