Feb 18 2020

Valentine Day Ode

Published by at 6:14 am under Soulmate Poems

ode to love on valetine’s day
by jake cosmos aller
Ever since I met you, my dear
My life has not been the same

Before I found you
I was lost, sad and lonely
Going nowhere as fast as possible

I was stuck
Did not know what direction to pursue
At the intersection, watching life go by

I was lost, lonely and full of despair
Then one day I saw you

The girl of my dream
Standing there on the side of the road

I was filled with terror
Could not speak

What if you refused to see me
What if you denied my protestations of love

What if you walked away
Never to be seen again

I knew I had to do something
I had to do it then and there

And then you came up to me…
Your voice

The voice of an Angel
Sweat, full of light

Fun and entire sunshine

Ever since the day I met you
Whenever I feel down and depressed
I look at your picture

And sunshine fills my heart
And I am confident, happy and ready

To face all of life’s travails
As long as I have your love
And your support

I can overcome all obstacles
And face all dangers

Together we can do most anything

Without you I will be lost
In the swamp of despair

So my dear
Please stay with me
Forever to the end of time

Let us journey forward
Never looking back
My love, my life

The sun in the sky
The moon that lights my dreams at night
The stars that beacon far away

Thanks to the Gods above
For bringing you into my life

And I promise I will love you
Forever and a day

Just to see your face
Is heaven itself

Just to hear your voice
Is all I ever need

My love, my soul mate
Hurry back to me

We have so much loving to do
So much living to do
So much to do together

Walking confidently
Boldly into the future

Without you
All is nothing
But dust

With you
Everything is possible

My love
Until I see you again
A thousand kisses

And a million thoughts of love
That will have to suffice
Until we are reunited

My love, my darling,
My life and dreams

Hurry back to rescue me
From the despair and darkness
All around me

Until then
I salute you

Oh Queen of my Heart
General of Love
Captain of my Soul

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