Oct 11 2009

What I Feel about You

Published by at 10:51 am under Love Poems for Boyfriend

What I Feel about You Poem

Your the one who clears my sorrow and wipes away my tears
Your the guy who makes me laugh and chases away my fears
You my love, are my hope My inspiration to write
My darling, you mean more to me Than anything in life
When I gaze into your eyes I love you even more
When we’re forced to say goodbye My heart becomes torn
My love for you cannot compare to the love of any other
‘Cause even if we separate I could never love another
If you were in danger I’d take my life for yours
Because love if you were hurt my life would be destroyed
I can’t begin to tell you Just what I feel for you
Instead I will narrow it down to three little words

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8 responses so far

8 Responses to “What I Feel about You”

  1. Pon 03 Mar 2010 at 12:13 am

    :cry i receved a phone call from a chick saying my bf and her had slept together at christmas time. i asked him to his face he lied to me and said no the next day i receved a text message off him telling me it is true i dnt know what to feel i am so confused i love him do u belive i should give him another chance??

  2. meggieon 24 Mar 2010 at 9:46 pm

    no he cheated :roll

  3. smjon 05 Apr 2010 at 11:43 am

    yes you should give him another chance…
    love never fades and is the hole in your heart worth it yet…
    tell him you wont be around forever if he keeps doing it ….
    but chances never hurt anyone

  4. arielon 25 May 2010 at 5:21 pm

    im n dat same situation…he sent dis long message sayin wat happened den he was like he\’s n love with me tho…i gave him last chance and thats it…iff u really love him like i do my bf, give him anotha chance.

  5. D3V@N N3N@ D33on 03 Feb 2011 at 5:57 pm

    im lovin it it :love:

  6. Breeon 09 Feb 2011 at 3:33 pm

    P: don’t. if a guy is willing to cheat once, then he will do it again. as much as it may hurt now to leave him, it will hurt worse if you stick with him and he cheats again. there are plenty of decent men, and it’s not worth your while to stick with a guy like this. 🙂 good luck, and i’m praying for you!

  7. carlaon 11 Feb 2011 at 5:16 am

    my boyfriend n i are in love so much
    his lik a gangster:bandit: n im an emo girl:straight: n we connect so well n he doesnt judge me the way evry othr phukker does MIGUEL AGUILAR I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BABE
    his the only reason i stay alive if nt i wud hav commiteed suicide a long time ago

    i love this poem thank you so much!!!!

  8. BRITTANY JOHNSONon 13 Feb 2012 at 4:47 pm

    ;-( :love: :kiss: :ninja: :sick: :whistle: ;-( ;-( ;-( ;-( ;-(

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