Oct 01 2010

What If You Knew

Published by at 10:07 am under Sad Love Poems

What if you knew
I still loved you despite the horrible
untrue things that you said…

What if you knew
that every night I cry lying awake in bed
with memories of you tossing in my head..

What if you knew
that I knew you had made mistakes..
whether I knew what they were or not..
none of that mattered you were forgiven
without asking..

What if you knew
I am not born of the perfection
I try to falsely betray.. I am but
a mere woman and mistakes have been made..

What if you knew..
when we were apart.. it cuts me to pieces
far more than you will know..
I’d prefer to live with the jerk you can sometimes be..
and hope you would forgive the bitch that every now and then
I set free…

What if you knew..
You were and always have been my one true weakness,
my everything, my all…
Would it truly matter or would you continue to let me fall?

What if you knew..
I could never hate you.. in this I did lie..
Words spoke out of anger ..
and yes foolish pride..

What if you knew..
How much I still love you more than you will ever know..
I am sorry I did not always let it show..
You had hurt me so much… my walls started to build..
I am sorry I was scared and that I may have pushed you away..
Sorry that my love scared you.. Even sorrier that you let me go..

What if you knew..
That you are the only one for me..
I would have told you.. but you took yourself away from me..
Here I patiently await for you to return to me..
With only hopes, dreams, and wishes… to keep me company
in my misery.. praying one day our love will bring you back to me..

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “What If You Knew”

  1. DJgorditoon 03 Oct 2010 at 8:17 pm

    you freaking suck dude that was hella gay :sick:

  2. iwait4you4everon 03 Oct 2010 at 8:42 pm

    I am not a dude and neither am I gay.. grow up

  3. poetry_girlon 04 Oct 2010 at 1:42 am

    okay DJgordito that comment was completely uncalled for, and it only made you look like an illierate ass. Please keep your ignorant comments to yourself. iwait4you4ever this poem is beautiful and raw and just so open, not to mention very well written. It completely resonated with me, great work 🙂

  4. DyingInsideon 08 Oct 2010 at 1:53 am

    I strongly agree with poetry_girl. Not only was it very well written, it summed up all the unsaid things a girl bottles up and keeps from her friends/ex. while going through heart-break. It made me tear up only one fourth of the way through. ;-( I absolutely loved it. I’d recomend this to almost anyone. Terrific Job! 😀

  5. pixieon 08 Nov 2010 at 7:06 pm

    fantastic! I’d say it spoke to me but… that sounds a bit weird so…
    Great work!!!
    😀 😆

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