Jun 21 2011
what is the reason?
why is it that the only reason we have memories is to forget them?
forget all the happy moments,
but remeber the painful ones
the ones that cover you in sadness and turn your heart black
and when you try you can never turn back,
back to your former self
one that was happy and bright
but these painfrul memories have turned your days into nights
your happiness into sorrow
your love into hate
your kindness into crulity
just tell me why for goodness sake
I don’t have these awnsers
but sadly neither do you
i dont think anyone does
For many a year, your blog has helpedUs wrteirs sell our waresAnd woo stern editors, and shareOur wrteirs’ many cares.So happy birthday, Womag dear,We’ll raise a glass indeedTo she who’s always there for us,Whose blog we love to read.
Haha,this is a little late in answering…ok really late. But I just came to say thank u