Sep 12 2012

When i leave

Published by at 12:01 am under Heartbreak Poems

I walk to that bridge
that we first met
I walk to that bridge
Full of regret
I remember those days
where I was happy and loved
I remember those days
That felt like heaven above
I touch the stone wall
and remember those words long forgotten
I touch the stone wall
and see your face as you said them
Where they really lies?
Did you really fool me?
was your love just to hurt me?
I sigh and remember when you said “there is no we”
I sit on the edge
and lie to myself
I sit on the edge
And I dont deserve to cry, because I was foolish enough to believe your lie
I look into the depths of the river below
And see no bottom
I look into the depths of the river below
And jump off, finally letting go
The water is cold
The darkness blinds me
I sink and
Leave my troubles behind me
But why is it then
When I was ready to die
why is it then
That I began to cry

Leave my troubles behind me
When I’m finally gone and ready to die
Why is it then that I began to cry

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