Jan 15 2009

When you fall in love

Published by at 2:55 am under Teenage Love Poems

When you Fall in Love


When you fall in love you, nothing can change the way you feel
Your heart pumps like mad but you feel nothing but love
You feel full up and you don’t even realise you haven’t eaten
You can’t sleep for thinking about them
You can’t concentrate for thinking about them
And when you’re with them?
You can hardly breathe for being close to them.
And knowing how good you could be
When they make you happy
You want to cry
When they make you sad
You want them to be there when you cry.

When you feel your heart is breaking, nothing will take that feeling away.
Your heart pumps like mad but you feel nothing but grief
You feel full up but you know you can’t and haven’t eaten anything in days
You don’t even want to sleep
Not even if you’re completely exhausted.
You can’t concentrate knowing they are no longer yours
And if you see them?
You can hardly breathe for being close to them
And knowing what was meant to be has gone
You think of when they made you happy
You want to cry
You think of how you are now
And you want them to be there when you cry.

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25 responses so far

25 Responses to “When you fall in love”

  1. Brittanyon 30 Jan 2009 at 1:57 pm

    :sigh about a week ago my boyfriend of almost 6 montths broke up with me over instant messaging one night at midnight…. i havent slept very well at night and i haven not been able to eat. wehn i try i just get sick…. this poem is exactly how i feel…. ty for writing it..

  2. Muckson 31 Jan 2009 at 10:41 am

    Thats the real love ! :roll , you just feel in pain but it will never end just remember \” its all begin with love \” :zzz real love never enf

  3. yo momma on 03 Feb 2009 at 3:39 pm

    MAS PUTO.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry 🙂 🙁

  4. Arecelion 09 Feb 2009 at 4:03 pm

    About A month ago my bf told me he needed some time off so i told him ok but just call me wen youve cleared thingz up a month has went by and still no call from him this poem is good i like it it kinf of expresses wat i feel :sigh 😕 [/LIST][B]null[/B]

  5. keshiaon 20 Feb 2009 at 1:24 pm

    ouch i jus love this guy he has done me so wrong an my mind tells me to leave but mi heart wont let my feet move :sigh

  6. asiaon 22 Feb 2009 at 9:52 pm

    i been in love with dude for 7 years now and we been in love with nothing ever being able to get btw us. and all of a sudden he started showing me sides of him tha i never knew.and he hurt me…he took me out his life…its like he doesnt care.your poem is exzactly what its likeee :cry :cry :cry :cry

  7. Antjieon 28 Feb 2009 at 1:33 pm

    My bf left me yesteray because he didn\’t want a gf anymore…over a text message…. the hurt you go threw after that is unbearable…it feels like you\’re soul was ripped from your body…the poem really helped me today thanks :cry

  8. Tanya tic tacon 28 Feb 2009 at 7:34 pm

    [B]null[/B] ive recently met this guy, and we totaly connected, hes my bros friend, we txt evertday and he says he loves me, we meet up every weekend and we hug and kiss all the time. but i never told any1 that i love him! no1 espeicaly him can ever know! but then i introduced him to my friend, and they started flirting, now there basicaly going out, and he loves her and i cnt stand it! today wen we all met up they held hands the whole time and i just couldnt bare it :sigh he adores her and no1 knos how much im hurting! what shud i do? and telling sum1 how i feel isnt an option becoz i dnt wanna fall out with my friend :roll

  9. candaceon 04 Mar 2009 at 2:42 pm

    i thought i was the only one who knew this feeling and felt it. your poem is amazing 🙂

  10. alexison 19 Mar 2009 at 3:55 pm

    i know i could relate i still love chance even though we bff i still cry when were togther because i know he dont want me :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 :cry :cry

  11. zacueshaon 03 Apr 2009 at 1:28 pm

    this is wat iv b33n l0okiin for im 14 ansd im in lov3 with a 19 y3ar 0ld its n0t th3 adg3 its m0r3 lyk tha fact that im in l0v3 with him and h3s in l0v3 with m3 but p30pl3 cant s33m t0o und3rstand that :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :sigh :sigh and h3 just l3ft tt0 m0v3 t0o misagiin and right b3f0r3 h3 l3ft w3 g0t into a big aurgum3nt and ii r3ally r3ally miss him ii cant think right with out hiim mw3 was t0g3t3r f0r 4 y3arz

  12. lissaon 26 May 2009 at 1:04 am

    i can relate ,
    i met dis dude on his birthday august 18 of 2008 . and at his party he had he asked for my AIM and we kept in touch . everythinq wuhs qood we became close friends and he became my S.K (secretkeeper) and he never new wuh my true feelinqs were for hem and dey were stronq . i liked hem already for 9 months nao and de dayy i told hem dah i liked hem his words were i like u too . we started messinq around &. kissinq here and dere but EVERYtime i touched his lips my

  13. amandaon 12 Jun 2009 at 2:33 pm

    I an relate to this poem so much. I met my boyfriend cory at my work and we feel in love. we started to see each other and not a month later he\’s cheating. I have been so heart broken. I have felt so exhausted from all the pian and heartahe. I feel so hard for him the real first love of my life and now I am the one suffering. Girls out there put a guard around your heart and then when their gone the love is real.

  14. jessicaon 01 Jul 2009 at 4:27 pm

    my bf broke up with me yestterday, he\’s leaving for the marines, and just doesnt want to have to worry about me, and everything else, this really reached out to me, and iknow im not the only one.

  15. shelbyon 22 Jul 2009 at 9:38 pm

    i kno the feeling the one u get inside,
    when heart starts breaking with one little tide.
    the world starts spinning on and on. u want to die like a hunter and a fawn.
    true love exists only for one.
    but the one u love loves to get down and have fun.

    i went out with a guy and he boke up with txt and on valentines morning so i was like dead the entire day :cry

  16. Giselon 14 Aug 2009 at 7:42 am

    😡 lemme star off with this poem is GREAT, i honestly think i went threw it all, i had one year & a few month messing with this boy.. i gave him everything , i felt in love with him.. in the beginning everything was so good.. & once i did another step & gave him my virginity .. he changed he treated me differently we actually had a really bbig arguement.. because ; when we actually had sex for the first time .. we was sure if his sperm went in my private part.. & after that day he changed so much with me i felt like i was nobody its been 2month.. & im still not over him, i miss him i want him i can\’t picture my life without him..im going crazy, it hurts knowing me&him went threw so much hell&heaven to just throw it off? no , i love him & ima fight for what i want until i get it =/ if i ever do :\'(

    He was my reason for waking up,
    For the smile you see on my face.
    Going a single day without him,
    Makes me feel so out of place.
    I was afraid of opening up,
    Now I\’m afraid of the next day.
    Whenever I see him one last time,
    I\’m terrified of what he may say.
    I know tomorrow will hurt,
    But the tears will fade away.
    Life is too short for regrets,
    There will be a brighter day.

    if anyone got any suggestions, or anything to tell me please email me at [email protected] , bye thanks for hearing me out >=/

  17. kelvinon 15 Aug 2009 at 8:43 am

    [B]ma love side[/B] 😕 i hd dis girlfrnd who i thought we were meant 2 b 2gether bt i did believe whn she told me,after 7yrs,dnt she dnt love me no more.dis was after some chick told ha dat i was playin ha.i dnt knw y da gal told my gal i hd another gal coz i dnt hv a secret lover…nw da gal is askin me bck in ha life i dnt thnk dat dat is a good dis 2 do.am i right? can any1 help.

  18. felixon 04 Sep 2009 at 8:43 am

    wow… this poem is amazing n i can relate to this poem alo… alll the gfs i had in my life always cheated on me right infront of my face all the time… and some of them just use me to get some thing they want that i habe or that i noe…. i open my heart up who ever is willing to listen bt at the end.. they just throw it on the floor n let traffic run over it alll the time… :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :cry :sigh :sigh

  19. shaqeataon 22 Oct 2009 at 10:46 am

    😕 :sigh this is what im talking about….when i talk to people about these kind of things they dnt understand…then i find this poem nd it\’s like….omg where have this author been all my life :grin . i so totally relate to this so so so so true….u hit it rite on the mark…im just excited that i\’m not the only person to go through stuff like this :roll :sigh 😕

  20. Sadgirlon 15 Dec 2009 at 7:58 am

    i love this poem its real nice. thats how i felt for a guy but then i realized that he didnt love me and that we were just not meant to be. :sigh

  21. emilyon 18 Dec 2009 at 4:49 pm

    the other day my bf had his friend break up with me. then he emailed me saying that he is still in love with me but he loves my best friend more. now they are dating and she knows i love him. now i fell tired and sad all of the time and i cant sleep because he is all i think about.

  22. Bree Anneon 22 Feb 2010 at 12:19 am

    This has really hit my heart like an arrow. I saw it read it and my eyes start to water.
    I love it

  23. lamar. bullet .bon 24 Jan 2011 at 8:06 pm

    my big ask me y didnt i call when i got lock up i told him
    dat im only calln in writen people dat holding me no hats

  24. lamar. bullet .bon 24 Jan 2011 at 8:07 pm

    my bad my big bra ask me^

  25. Roseon 29 Jan 2011 at 10:20 pm

    this poem is beautifull, it made me cry a little, i can relate to this so much but unfortuantly cupid only shot me and then had a little fun with me giving me a tiny bit of knowing what he was like when i was in his arms and i can still hardly breathe thinking about it. this poem is truly, well, true

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