Feb 18 2020

Where Do You and I Begin

Published by at 6:23 am under Forever Love Poems

Where Do I and You Begin?

I woke up one day and realized
I no longer knew
where you and I began

and where you and I ended
we had become almost one

We talked in half sentences
Knowing what the other wanted
and knowing how it would end

We ate the same foods with some resistance
because I still crave an old-fashioned American meal
but still, we were becoming more and more the same

and I feared losing myself
In your embrace
and becoming you
and you becoming me

and this fear of losing me
in the ocean of us
overwhelms me at times

but I know I will always
Return to your arms

because I cannot live
A moment without you at my side

and I know you are the same
we feel each other’s inner pain
we feel each other’s outer pain

and our history has merged
into one

and is that not the secret
of a long marriage?

Have I figured it all out
in the end, does it come to this
a merging of two souls and two bodies?

I don’t have the answers
But I don’t have any more doubts
or regrets with the path I have taken

I still look forward
to waking up each morning

Seeing you there
and knowing that every day
we have together
is a gift that I will cherish

Until my dying breath

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One Response to “Where Do You and I Begin”

  1. adminon 18 Feb 2020 at 6:29 am

    thanks for sharing

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