Jun 28 2011

Why can’t they see?

Published by at 10:58 am under Sorry Love Poems

I just wish they could see what i see in you.
I wish they’d give you a chance,
to get to know the real you.

You’re a great person, and you mean so much to me.
It’s just, noone seems to care,
or notice how harsh they can be.

Why does everyone hate you?
or make me try to hate you too?
Why do they make our relationship,
go bumpy along the tracks?

I will not give up,
I’ll keep on fighting,
I’ll muster the strength,
because our love is binding.

I can’t let you go,
because it would tear me apart.
I wish they would all just see,
You’ve been chosen by my heart.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Why can’t they see?”

  1. pixieon 28 Jun 2011 at 2:07 pm

    The rhyming pattern isn’t one that works. The first few lines, i mean. They sound clumsy.
    I love the rest, though.

  2. auraflyeron 07 Jul 2011 at 2:40 pm

    I agree with the previous comment. I love the story of the poem and think that with would it could be an excellent poem

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