Jul 24 2011

Not Worth it?

Published by at 5:57 am under Betrayal Poems

Why did you do it?
Why do I even try?
I know you did it, I proved it.
Now all I can do is cry.
I’m left with shattered remains of a heart.
False illusions of light in this dark night.
I have an amnesia of any happiness at the start.
Its not something I can fight.
No other pain could ever compare.
Am I not worth it?
Why do I keep doing this, its not like you or anyone else cares.

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One Response to “Not Worth it?”

  1. Sidneaon 18 May 2012 at 8:44 am

    , the rain is on its way.Mum shouted down frtmhoe bath, put your rain coat on, Lil,It looks like rain.After the chat with Mum, I went out.I forgot my rain coat and when I was nearly at the parkIt lashed it down and I got soaked.As I was running home, I could not see a lotBecause I have glasses and there were loads of raindrops on themI finally got home and started burning up asnd sneezing.That served me right – I will remember my rain coat next time!Wow, Lily! I am so impressed with your work today. You have captured JF’s style brilliantly! Mrs R

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