Oct 04 2009

Without You Poem

Published by at 7:14 am under Betrayal Poems

Without You Poem

Would the sun rise
In the morning
If you left me?
Would the early
Morning Skies
Still be a crystal blue?
If there were a day
Without you?

Would the birds
Sill awaken
With their sweet
Morning songs?
And soar once more
With beauty
Into the skies?
If there were a day
Without you?

Would the breezes
Still blow gently
Through the branches
Of the trees
Now full of spring leaves?
Would they still
Call out your name?
If there were a day
Without you?

Would the morning turn
Into evening?
Or evening into another day
Would time stop moving
All altogether
In the empty void
You left behind?
If there were a day
Without you?

Would the flowers
Still bud and blossom?
Or bloom into full color
Once again?
Would their colors
Be as bright or smell
As lovely
If there were a day
Without you?

I dread the thought
Of these sad visions
The tears fall slowly
Down my face,
And my heart aches
For I cannot begin
To see a tomorrow
If there were a day
Without you.

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3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Without You Poem”

  1. Sadgirlon 23 Dec 2009 at 11:02 pm

    i love this poem its the best!!!

  2. Sadgirlon 23 Dec 2009 at 11:02 pm

    i love this poem alot!!!!

  3. iwait4you4everon 30 Sep 2010 at 2:38 pm


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