Sep 30 2010

Without You What My Life Is Like

Published by at 10:32 am under Missing you Love Poems

Every day the rain falls down to the earth..

The sun scarcely rises in the sky for her anymore..

A world once filled with so much color has now turned a shade of grey..

Dreams turned to ghosts haunting with songs of a beautiful magical time..

The future unknown.. with no light for direction is shown..

Praying that emotions and hurt did not blow any chance of happier times to be known..

Despair and anguish are hidden behind the guise of a clown..

Laughter given to stop worrying hounds…

A smile might be sought.. but one look in the eyes …

tell the tale of so much pain that is not easily shown..

Understanding comes to late to one who listens to their heart and let emotions guide them..

Leaving them in the grips of emptiness and loss..

Yet still grasping to the thin threads of hope that it will not always be this way..

Many want to offer comfort and long for her touch…

Seeking her affection.. highly valued … maybe too much…

No matter how many times she warns her heart is already given and she has no desire for it to be returned..

Nor can her love be purchased like a item in a store..

They refuse to see she would rather stand with her face upturned in the rain.. hiding the tears as she sobs with heart wrenching pain..

Changes are happening every day (forever late when it comes to this) but her heart remains constant and her love doesnt change…

Every night she looks up to the sky… says a prayer and makes her wishes to the stars.. for the one she loves whether they be close or far..

Precious gifts are sometimes the hardest to receive..

Its not about deserving but it is about belief..

Lost in thought.. compelled to write by grief…

Sleep is rare and brought on by exhaustion or induced by something…

Trying every day not to make herself ill.. Hunger it seems is never an issue..

Keeping faith alive that maybe light will come back into her life evermore…

A chance for happiness with a friend and so much more..

Somone who had so much to offer far more priceless than one could ever hope to buy….

For now I will continue showing the illusion of everything being fine…

Continuing to think of you way more than you know.. praying like a madwoman you are safe and well.. taking care of yourself… Wanting for you to be happy and enjoying everything life has to offer..

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One Response to “Without You What My Life Is Like”

  1. atticon 05 Nov 2010 at 4:09 pm

    very nice poems…wow 🙂

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