Feb 26 2015
Wolves in the woods
Watching from the trees
Smell them on the wind
Breath in the breeze
Wolves in the woods
Growling at me
Wolves in the woods
baring their teeth
Mother always told me
Not to walk alone
Carry your weapons
Carry your phone
Don’t go alone at night
Hurry on home
The wolves like to prowl there
Where you’ll be alone
Wolves in the woods
Watching from the trees
Smell them on the wind
Breath in the breeze
Wolves in the woods
Chasing me
Wolves in the woods
Snapping at my knees
I ignored her
On and on she droned
I had my weapons
I had my phone
I guess my mistake
Was walking alone
The wolves had found me
Following me home
Wolves in the woods
Watching from the trees
Smell them on the wind
Breath in the breeze
Wolves in the woods
Tearing apart me
Wolves in the woods
Devouring me
Told all the huntsmen
Told all the law
Did they believe me?
No none at all
Scratches and bruises
They claimed were from a fall
The wolves were protected
And I was at fault
Wolves in the woods
Watching from the trees
Smell them on the wind
Breath in the breeze
Wolves in the woods
Snickering at me
Wolves in the woods
Safe as can be
I absolutely love this. =)
Thank you Dennis