Jul 12 2011

Your Death

Published by at 11:43 pm under Sad Love Poems

I still your face when I look up in the sky
Try not to cry coz you asked me not to
Feels like you are still here
The pain is just healing my wounds

Whenever I look at your photograph
Makes me think of your smile
When you held me in your arms
To save me from the tide

You said whatever happens, happens for good
So I have no reason to question that you’re gone
I have decide to keep your practice
But you going left me torn

Smell of your favorite flowers followed me
As I walked through the road
I tried to look around for your presence
Couldn’t find your clandestine abode

I want to fill colors in my life again
But how can I coz you were the brush
You were my everything
All your death did was crush.

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One response so far

One Response to “Your Death”

  1. deston 18 Jul 2011 at 9:12 pm

    hey this made me cry cuz my grandmother died and i nevre got over it im 12 now she died when i was 10 and now i dnt understand why but this peom is so beautiful

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