Jun 05 2011

your Fake Love

Published by at 12:28 am under emo Poems

I sit here thinking of you
crying cutting my self,
till i bleed. why tell me
why. why is it I cant live a
day without thinking of you.
your smile,hair, laughter.
your Mr. right till that day.
that day of horror when
I stayed up all night cutting,
myself cause of you.
The pain you caused just
made me feel worse
why tell me why
why cant I live’one day with out
thinking of your “love” or should I
say fake Love.

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One response so far

One Response to “your Fake Love”

  1. Layne Froston 06 Jun 2011 at 2:13 am

    that’s amazing!… i’m in the same boat

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