Oscar Wilde Love Poems

Some famous love poetry and love poems by Oscar Wilde

Silentium Amoris (The Silence of Love)

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Silentium Amoris (The Silence of Love) Oscar Wilde As oftentimes the too resplendent sun    Hurries the pallid and reluctant

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We Are Made One with

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We Are Made One with What We Touch and See Love Poem by Oscar Wilde We are resolved into the supreme air, We are made

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Helas Oscar Wilde

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Helas Sad love Poem by Oscar Wilde To drift with every passion till my soul Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play, Is it for this that I

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Her Voice – Oscar Wilde

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Her Voice  Sad love poem by Oscar Wilde The wild bee reels from bough to bough  With his furry coat and his gauzy wing,  Now

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