Sorry Love Poems

Read I’m sorry love poems, make up for your mistakes and say sorry where you are wrong, treasure your love don’t fade it over minor things. Learn to tolerate and to let go, these sorry love poems are a great way to tell someone that you are really sorry


Poem by

I could tell you that I love you And endlessly apologize, But no matter what I say I can’t erase my lies I have done some awful things And

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Im so sorry

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im empty no feelings no love compassion i dont care i kept giving kept trying to save the world to help somehow someone but ive been hurt ive

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Sorry but Love

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I’m sorry of being so emotional I’m sorry of being so possessive I’m sorry that I cry for you I’m sorry because I can’t live without

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I wonder…

I wonder why we fight, I wonder why we argue, I wonder why everything can’t just be right? I wonder why we cry, I wonder why we laugh, I

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I’m Sorry I’m Not Perfect

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I’m sorry I’m not perfect I can only be me I’m sorry I’m not perfect Like the boy you want me to be I’d give anything

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A Broken heart..will never mend on its own

I cheated on you, I lied to you, You stuck by me… I loved you, Nearly lost you, You tell me you’ll never leave. In my mind, i know you

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Missing from my life

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i have let you down this feeling is horrible but there no going back its eating me alive i am please at you happiness but sad at my emptiness i

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Poem by

Dedicated To Kashfi Hasan,My Love. A soft music playing in my mind….. I feel that I need you to complete my song…. but … I…

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Forever is not just a word

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You have no clue how much I love you… I may say words that sting and bring pain… The only reason I do this is because of the painful

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Maybe you just dont get it

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Why confuse me.. when all I want is you.. Why tell me to move on.. when you really want me to stay… I will never leave your life.. Unless

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Just a second chance

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I have asked for nothing else but for a second chance the same chance that i gave to you the one that was nothing else but was just a second

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the last thing you said

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Tell me how much you need me. Tell me how much you love me. Tell me why I should trust you. When you left, the last thing you said

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I never meant to do

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I’m sorry i done you wrong. i never meant to do what i done. i remember when you said “i love you more than youll ever know,” but

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