Apr 15 2012

A brighter world

Published by at 8:06 pm under Cute Love Poems

Strangeness abounds
As I hear these lovely sounds
As to why it’s strange,you must agree
It’s because I used to hate these things
Now they hate me
I have felt something that has been out of grasp
One moment of happiness,one little gasp
I keep on waiting to finally see
If this is all,all just a dream
These small bursts of joy
This happiness abound
The laughing sound all made around
I keep on waiting to see if this is all
Really a dream
I never had any hope for joy
I was bound sorrow since I was born
My uncle murdered
My parents divorced
Bullied in life
Lived by force
I have no idea how
But this one man can make me see
How great the world is in front of me
How wide how vast
How beautiful and true
How beautiful is the deep blue
The sun shines a lot brighter
The world seems less gray
When people don’t hate me that much
It makes me shout “hooray!”
Cause finally I have a peice of mind
When I have you right by my side

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