Jun 26 2012

Dear friend Goodbye

Published by at 8:49 pm under Goodbye Poems

Dear Friend

These past few months have changed me
They’ve made me weaker still
And as I drown in heartache
You laugh and drink your fill

You watch me without pity
You watch me on my knees
Ignoring all my outcries
You’re deaf to all my pleas

Just tell me what you’re doing
I cannot understand
Why when I reach for friendship
You slap away my hand

Why can’t my friends be decent?
Why do they never care?
Why when I need a shoulder,
There never is one there?

Why tell me that I’m worthless
When I knew long before?
You steady me, then let me fall
And leave me on the floor.

Why couldn’t you be there for me
When you are all I need?
You could’ve tried to save my life
You knew you could succeed

But let me die. Don’t have a care
Because my time is done
You’re just as guilty as I am
As good as held the gun

Goodbye, my Friend, I cherished you
You meant a lot to me
And even though I’m broken now
I loved you honestly

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