May 01 2011

Faded Away

Published by at 10:55 am under Heartbreak Poems

Am I invisible?
Am I unable to be seen?
Or heard?

Before this whole relationship
You saw me and loved me!
But what now?

Am I part of the background?
Not important enough to be noticed?
Why have you changed?

You used to seek me out!
And send notes filled with love.
But now, I’m not worthy of a glance.

Why? You left me,
Broke me, and now you ignore me?
What did I do?

Is just existing to much?
So you ignore me to hide the truth.

Please, just help me.
Don’t ignore me like this.
I’m lonely.

Did I ever mean anything to you?
So why throw me away?
I am not worthless!

I go unnoticed,
My words unheard.
To you, I’ve faded away.

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6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Faded Away”

  1. ashleyon 02 May 2011 at 4:20 am

    i love this so much!!

  2. Stefaniaon 06 May 2011 at 7:13 pm

    Great poem!

  3. Jae-jaeon 07 May 2011 at 10:36 am

    Beautiful poem. Somewhat of what i’m going through. Heartbreak is the worst of diseases..

  4. Em0 fR3aKon 16 May 2011 at 10:21 pm

    i love ur poem <3

  5. randomchickon 12 Jun 2011 at 8:56 am

    ;-( this exacly wat i’m going through u took the words right out of my mouth just put them in a better way:)

  6. margauxon 14 Jun 2011 at 6:05 pm

    Did I ever mean anything to you?
    So why throw me away?

    this is one of the most heartbreaking moments in life. you think that what you shared together was special. only to find out that that person can easily forget it while you are broken forever. that person can just stop talking to you, being with you, or simply looking at you. just like that. and all you tried to do was love. if you are feeling the same way as i do, hug. it’s been almost 3 months already but up to now i still don’t know why it happened.

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