May 17 2013

How can I tell you ..

Published by at 11:11 am under Cute Love Poems

How can I tell you, how much I really love you?
Just how much, my wondering heart implores.
Like the stars, scattered across the heavens,
Or the sands, washed up upon the shores.

How can I tell you, how much I really love you?
Words of romance, spoken just for you.
The crispness, of each new day’s beginning,
Falling in love, again once more with you.

How can I tell you, how much I really love you?
Without the songs, written throughout all time.
Empty gongs, without a sense of rhythm,
Endless noise, with lyrics that now don’t rhyme.

How can I tell you, how much I really love you?
Mere existence, if you weren’t here with me.
Your soft touch, releasing my heart’s passions,
Your caress, opening my eyes to see.

How can I tell you, how much I really love you?
Your splendour, words just can’t describe.
Captured in, the crimson of the sunset,
Overshadowed, by the beauty you have inside.

I love you…..

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One response so far

One Response to “How can I tell you ..”

  1. Wiilon 03 Dec 2019 at 9:11 am

    This is. Classy.Man l need these sort It says with rythm and imagery that the love l.have for my Girlfriend is terribly difficult to express in words .
    So this expresses .my love exactly as iit is .Real.strong .binding.but private None of your business

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