Jun 26 2011
I’ll be there.
When your lonely and unglad and your feeling kinda sad, I”ll be there.
When your worried and it’s cold and you need a blanket to unfold, I’ll be there.
When your scared and it’s dark, and your candle needs a spark, I’ll be there. I’ll be your teddy bear.
When your feeling really down and your face masks a frown, I’ll be there. I’ll be your clown.
When your unhappy and crying a ton, and you need somewhere to run. I’ll be there. To wipe away your fears and stop your glistening tears.
When your gone and don’t exist anymore.I’ll be there with you shining in heaven. On a love scale of one to ten ours is an eleven.
“unglad” ?
i get what ur saying, but still. ur rhyming seemed forced. u had nice repetition but in some places it was done sloppily.
like the last line, couldve been better, though.
gave u 5stars for effort.
I would recommend you seeing someone for your anger issues. I was giving my opinion, is all. Take it as you wish.
Dude, Chill, Poem’s Fine
comment removed as it was abusive and personal attack
Please keep it civilized
We’ll do our best, admin.
dam tht waz good nice writtin tho 🙂