Jun 25 2011

If you were Mine

Published by at 12:55 am under Thinking of You Poems

When I close my eyes, I see you
When I open them a raiser tear falls
When I’m restless, I’m thinking of you
When I go to sleep, You’re there beside me…smiling
When I wake up, I scream because you’re not there
If you were MINE, I’d say I luv u and meen it
if you were MINE, I’d kiss you with al my heart
If you were MINE, I’d love you like no tomorrow

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “If you were Mine”

  1. pixieon 25 Jun 2011 at 9:27 am

    like the meaning. like the way u made it easy to relate to ur feelings
    the overall poem, though, isnt really sumthing id read twice
    just my opinion

  2. auraflyeron 07 Jul 2011 at 2:58 pm

    Lots of spelling and grammer errors, also inconsistant rhyme and ryhthm. Also the text language such as “luv” makes it seem like a young “teenage” poem

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