Jul 09 2013

Not Nearly Perfect

Published by at 6:48 am under Love and Friendship Poems

I hid in the closet… But do they suspect?
With all of my flaws I’m not nearly perfect
Unhealthy reactions, that’s what I’ve been told
though all I’ve been needing is someone to hold.

Minutes in hours and pain within text,
Tears spill on pale skin… But what happens next?
I beg and I plead and I hope and I weep
To try and forgive me. To find endless sleep.

Some illness must ail me, diseases would spread
I needed some time, and I needed my bed.
Propose you would lie now, suppose that you do,
How do I then know those insults weren’t true?

I’m hopelessly set on remaining your friend
For all that it’s worth, I’ll be here to the end
Despite what you might think, despite what you say,
I don’t think they’d suspect if I hide away.

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Not Nearly Perfect”

  1. Dennison 10 Jul 2013 at 5:50 am

    Wow. I could read your stuff all day Pixie.

  2. pixieon 10 Jul 2013 at 1:28 pm

    I appreciate you taking the time to comment. Thank you ^_^

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